UR Coed Outdoor Soccer Tournament
Welcome to the fourth semi-annual UR outdoor soccer coed tournament!
This tournament will take place on Saturday, July 5 at Trillium Park.
What is the format?
- The tournament will run from 9am to 4pm
- Teams are to play with 7 players on the field (6 players and a goalie) – at least 2 members of each gender must be playing out (i.e. not playing as the goaltender) at all times. Goaltenders may be of either gender.
- The Trillium fields will be divided into two (the same format as our regular outdoor soccer leagues)
- 4 pools of 4 teams each (16 teams max capacity)
- Each team will play three 25-minute matches within their pool during round-robin play
- If warranted, Urban Rec will reseed teams between pools before playoffs
- Each team will play at least one playoff match (semi-final). Teams that advance can have up to 2 playoff matches.
- Standard Urban Rec outdoor soccer rules apply
All questions regarding this event can be directed to [email protected]
Skill Level: All Skill Levels
Gender: Coed
Day of the Week:
1 day
Start Date: 05 Jul 2025
Game Times:
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM (Saturday)
Team Fee: $495.00 (Tax incl.)
Trillium Fields Complex
600 National Avenue
Vancouver, British Columbia V6A 4L3