2025 Spring Registration Now Open!
Both team and individual registration is open- scroll down to see which leagues are still available!

As league details for the next season are finalized, they will be posted at the bottom of this page.

Individual registration may not be available for all leagues.

Urban Rec presents the newest sports league - coed multi-sport at the Richmond Olympic Oval or in Vancouver’s East Side at the Italian Cultural Center/Nootka Elementary School.

Have you always wanted to play a sport with Urban Rec, but were not sure which sport you liked best?

Then multi-sport is for you - your team will play a variety of sports over the season.

Teams may play the following the sports (not all sports may be played at each location)- basketball, indoor volleyball, indoor soccer, handball, dodgeball, floor hockey, spikeball, benchball. Other sports may be added at Urban Rec’s discretion.

For more info on each sport, click on the rules button below, or click on each sport (except handball and benchball) to go that sport's page on our website (see the drop-down League list at the top of this webpage) and you can check out the rules (some sports may be modifed slightly for indoor play).  Please note that the actual sports included in the multi-sport league may differ based on Urban Rec's discretion.

For a listing of upcoming leagues, please scroll down to the bottom of the page

Don't have a full team of your own? Join as an individual player! Click on the following to find out more about registering as an individual:

Individual Player FAQs            Individual Teams Policy

- upcoming league information will be posted at the bottom of this page as bookings are finalized (additional leagues may be posted closer to the registration date)
- not all leagues may be offered in each season due to facility unavailability
- not all leagues may offer individual registration
- note that individuals’ teams are recreational in nature and are seeded as such (at least initially). More experienced players are welcome to join, but be aware that the overall skill level is generally less experienced.

Not sure what skill level to register your team at? Click Skill Level Descriptions to see a description of what the different skill levels are like in Urban Rec!

Click here to see Urban Rec policies.

For more information, please contact us at [email protected] or 604-879-9800.