UR Indoor Soccer Rules

  • Scheduling: Teams will play 1 game each week. Some teams MAY be scheduled into double headers. The schedule will be as balanced as possible with regards to early and late games.
  • Reseeding: Teams may be reseeded as a result of competitive balance requirements throughout the season as warranted at Urban Rec’s sole discretion.
  • Rules: Please review the rules before the season with your team to avoid any confusion.  The rules are located online and can be accessed by going to your dashboard (click on Members in the upper-right corner and then on Dashboard).
  • Uniforms: Bring light- and dark-coloured shirts- default is home team wears light and away wears dark.
  • Subbing: Can be done on the fly except for goalies.
  • Fouls: Please call your own fouls. Games are self-refereed.  Participants are responsible for calling their own fouls- please err on the side of good sportsmanship.

Match Format

  1. Have fun and play with good sportsmanship!  We expect all of our Urban Rec participants to have a “Fun First” attitude about this unique sporting opportunity.  There is an emphasis on the players knowing the rules and managing their own actions on the court.  Sportsmanship, fun and being social are number one at Urban Rec and we hope to see that exhibited by all of our participants!
  2. To be eligible to play in the league all participants must have signed an online waiver with Urban Rec. Players that do not sign an online waiver will not be issued membership keytags and are not permitted to participate. Team captains that do not fill out the online team roster will have their team removed from the schedule until they do so and all players have signed the waiver. Team captains are responsible for ensuring that all participants for their team are eligible to participate.
  3. Playoffs Eligibility – all players must be added to the roster and have played a minimum of 2 games over the regular season to be eligible to play in the playoffs. A team using an ineligible player will automatically forfeit the playoff game if the game has begun and that player has played in the game at that point. If a player shows up that is not on the team roster, they will not be allowed to play regardless if they played or subbed during the regular season. All players must be on the roster and indicate they have read the online waiver even if they are subs.
  4. The on-site League Coordinator (LC) may do a random ID check for players from any team.  If a team is found to be using an ineligible player (i.e. someone who has not indicated that they have read the online waiver), then that player’s team will forfeit the game if it has already begun.  If the game has not begun, then the game will not be a forfeit- that player is simply not permitted to participate until they have indicated they have read the online waiver.
  5. Prior to your game, please double-check the online league schedule for your game times.  If your team is late and not ready to go when the whistle blows to start the match, then you will lose playing time.  A match will consist of two 25-minute halves. If necessary due to injuries or other occurrences, playing time may be shortened at the discretion of the LC.
  6. Teams have a 10-minute grace period from their scheduled start time as tracked by the League Coordinator to field the minimum starting lineup (for 5-on-5 plus a goalie indoor soccer, at least 4 players including at least 1 woman and 1 man are the minimum).  If a team does not have enough players to field the minimum starting lineup by the end of this 10-minute grace period, then that team defaults the game and is subject to the associated default fee used to reimburse their opponent.  In this situation, the teams are encouraged to mix up players and play for fun during their time slot.  Any team defaulting more than 2 games in a season may be asked to leave the league, with no refund.
  7. Teams are to play with the following number of players depending on location (In each case, the gender of the keeper does not count towards the minimum number of members of each gender that are required on the floor.).  Note that the numbers below refer to a FULL lineup and not the minimum lineup as mentioned in other rules:
    • VSB, ICC & Coquitlam Leagues- 4 players on the court (3 players and a goalie) – at least 1 woman and 1 man must be on the floor at all times. 
    • Richmond Oval Leagues- 6 players on the court (5 players and a goalie) – at least 2 women and 1 man must be on the floor at all times.
  8. Teams require a minimum number of players in order to begin the game- the minimum number depends on the location/format of the league:
    • VSB, ICC & Coquitlam Leagues (3-on-3 plus a goalie)- team needs at least 3 players to begin the game (including goalie) including at least 1 woman and 1 man
    • Richmond Oval Leagues (5-on-5 plus a goalie)- team needs at least 5 players to begin the game (including goalie) including at least 1 woman and 1 man

In all leagues, teams must have at least one woman and one man playing out (i.e. not the goalie) in order to not default. If a team shows up with less than the minimum number of players as specified above, they will default that game and be subject to the Urban Rec Default Policy. Any team defaulting more than 2 games may be asked to leave the league, with no refund.

  1. Teams will play until the end of time (a League Coordinator will blow the whistle). In the event of a tie score in a regular season match, the game will go into the standings as a tie. In the playoffs, a tie game shall be settled by a shootout.
  2. A win is worth 2 points, a tie is worth 1 point, and a loss 0 points in the standings.
  3. All players should bring a dark shirt and a light shirt to all games. No grey. If there is a colour conflict, Team Captains will play Rock, Paper, Scissors with the losing team having to adjust their shirt colour.
  4. Tiebreaker - If two or more teams are tied in the standings at season’s end, the tiebreaker will be as follows:
    • 1st tiebreaker – most “in division” wins
    • 2nd tiebreaker – higher UR fun point average
    • 3rd tiebreaker – head to head winner
    • 4th tiebreaker – coin flip
  1. Tie game in playoffs – teams will take part in a shootout.  Three (3) players from each team shall take part.  Team captains will rock-paper-scissors with the winning captain having the choice for his/her team to shoot either first or second. Teams will alternate shots with the opposing team, and each team’s shooting order cannot have two players of the same gender shoot back-to-back.  Any subsequent shooters that are required must adhere to this alternating order for their respective team.  After each team has had three shooters shoot, the team with more goals scored in the shootout will be declared the winner.  If the teams are tied after three shooters apiece, then each team will have one additional shooter take part.  If the teams are still tied, then one additional shooter from each team will shoot until one team scores and the other does not, breaking the tie.  For the shootout, no player may shoot a second time until all of the other players of that player’s gender on their team have shot.
  2. Teams may avoid forfeiting/defaulting in regular season games by utilizing players from other teams that play in the league without penalty.  However, in the playoffs, this can only be done to avoid being subject to the default policy- the game will be considered a forfeit loss (but not a default) if a team utilizes players not on their roster to field a lineup.
  3. Substitutions can be made “on-the-fly” – EXCEPT for the goalie, who can only be substituted for at a stoppage in play.
  4. Heading of the ball is allowed
  5. All matches are self-officiated – Team Captains are required to self-police their own teams and call their own fouls.

If you feel that a team is not calling their own fouls or is playing unsportsmanlike, at the next stoppage in play the team captains and ONLY the team captains, should have a discussion about the issue and attempt to resolve them.  In the event that a situation is unresolved, team captains are required to report the incident to the league coordinator on site or e-mail the Urban Rec offices for follow up.


  1. Urban Rec will provide a game ball, the gym, nets and an on-site league coordinator.
  2. Teams must supply both a light and dark colored shirt – the home team is always light coloured (unless both teams agree to alternate colours)
  3. No studded cleats are allowed. Indoor turf shoes or runners only.
  4. Shin pads are not required, but recommended.  If worn, shin pads must be totally covered by socks.

Match/Game Play

  1. The game will start with one team getting the ball at mid-court – Team captains will “rock/paper/scissor” for possession of the ball.
  2. Teams will change ends after each half and alternate kick offs.
  3. A kick off will start the game and restart the game after a goal is scored.
  4. Kick offs may not be touched by the kicker again until the ball has been contacted by another player.
  5. A goal cannot be scored directly from a kick off.
  6. The opposing team must be at least 10 feet away from the ball on a kick off, until the ball has been put into play.
  7. There is absolutely NO sliding or slide tackling. Stay on your FEET!
    For additional clarity we define a slide as if you leave your feet you must land on your feet – for example bicycle kicks, sliding to kick a ball, having your knee touch the turf, or jumping to kick a ball and not landing back on your feet are not allowed.
  8. Slide tackling (leaving your feet in an attempt to check an opposing player) is explicitly banned and will result in the following; a PENALTY KICK for the tackled player (no matter where the slide tackle occurred on the pitch), immediate ejection of the sliding player from the game AND a discipline review by the Urban Rec Department of Participant Enjoyment & Safety.
  9. Any attempt at a slide (that is not a slide tackle) will result in an indirect free kick for the opposing team (unless the foul occurs in the penalty box area, in which case a penalty kick is awarded). The player who commits the sliding infraction will be removed from the game for a minimum of 5minutes, and any other player on that same team who commits a second sliding infraction (regardless if they are the same player or a different player) will be sent off for the remainder of the game. Repeat offenders will be subject to supplemental discipline from league management which may include suspension.
  10. Sliding infractions include any player, including the goalie, who leaves the ground in a foot or feet-forward motion regardless if there is an opposing player in the area or not. There is to be NO sliding to prevent a ball from going out of play, or to make any play on the ball regardless of whether another player is in the vicinity or not.
  11. The goalie may dive head/hands first to make a save on a shot, and the goaltender can ONLY leave their feet to move parallel with the goal line. A goalie may leave their feet head/hands first to collect a ball as long as they are doing so parallel with the goal line, and not moving towards an oncoming player. A goalie MAY NOT leave their feet at any time when challenging or attempting to tackle and oncoming player. For examples of when and what a goalie is allowed to leave their feet head/hands first for, please click HERE.
  12. Any player who commits a sliding infraction or slide tackle will have a foul called for the slide either by themselves or by an opposing player on the field. If a player “forgets”, then it is the responsibility of their team captain to call the foul. If there is a disagreement, then the respective team captains are expected to maturely discuss the situation and come to a resolution.
  13. If the goalie is attempting to make a save, or recovering after making a save, the opposing team MAY NOT contact the keeper in any way. This includes going after any rebounds or trying to hinder the goalie’s attempt to recover back into the play. Should an offensive player make contact with a goalie inside the box attempting to make a save, a foul will be called, the player will be removed for a minimum of 5 minutes, and a penalty kick may be awarded to the goalie’s team. Offensive players inside the goalie box must make EVERY EFFORT POSSIBLE to avoid contacting the opposing goalie.
  14. Sliding includes any player, including the goalie, who leaves the ground in a foot or feet-forward motion regardless if there is an opposing player in the area or not. There is to be NO sliding to prevent a ball from going out of play, or to make any play on the ball regardless of whether another player is in the vicinity or not.
  15. The goalie may dive head/hands first to make a save on a shot, and the goaltender can ONLY leave their feet to move parallel with the goal line. A goalie may leave their feet head/hands first to collect a ball as long as they are doing so parallel with the goal line, and not moving towards an oncoming player. A goalie MAY NOT leave their feet at any time when challenging or attempting to tackle and oncoming player. For examples of when and what a goalie is allowed to leave their feet head/hands first for, please click HERE.
  16. VSB and ICC leagues only- all walls are in play. ICC – If a ball hits the netting above the barrier, it will be considered out of play, and the DEFENSIVE team will restart the play with an indirect free kick by their own goal. If a team is deemed to intentionally put the ball out of play in their own end (at the discretion of the on-site staff), thent he ball may be awarded to the other team at center.
  17. VSB and ICC leagues- balls in the corner of the gym – If two players are running towards the corner, the lead player will be given the opportunity to retrieve the ball, the trailing player MUST stop short by 5 feet to give their opponent 3 seconds to play the ball.  After 3 seconds, the trailing player may pursue the ball.  The defensive player is ALWAYS GIVEN THE RIGHT OF WAY in the event of there being no lead player.
  18. Players may not interfere in any way with the goalie inside the goalie crease.  Players may pass through the crease, but any interference with the goalie will result in goalie’s ball.
  19. Goalies are not allowed to handle the ball with their hands when the ball is thrown or kicked to them by their own team.  They ARE allowed to use their hands inside the Goal Crease when the opposing team throws or kicks the ball towards the goalie, or if the ball deflects off a defender.  If a goalie uses their hands to play the ball when it was thrown/passed back by their own team, then the opposing team is awarded an indirect free kick – see below for description.

General Urban Rec Indoor Soccer Rules

If a player breaks a rule or commits a foul, then the opposing team is awarded an indirect free kick from the spot of the infraction.  If an infraction occurs in with in the crease area – they the opposing team is awarded a penalty kick.

  1. OFFSIDE- There are no off-sides in Urban Rec indoor soccer.
  2. Fouls
    1. Players may not jump to play a ball with their feet. 
    2. Any player who kicks or attempts to kick a ball that is above their own waist while standing on the floor will have a foul called on them.  Two high kicking fouls in one game will result in the expulsion of the offending player from the game. 
    3. No bicycle kicks
    4. Kicking or attempting to kick an opponent
    5. Tripping or attempting to trip an opponent
    6. Jumping at an opponent
    7. Charging an opponent in a violent, reckless or dangerous manner
    8. Holding or pushing an opponent
    9. Handballs – hand-to-ball vs ball-to-hand
      -Outside the box – Anytime a player touches the ball with their hand or arm, the play should be stopped, and the opposing team will receive an indirect free kick (there is no ‘advantage’ in our leagues).
      -Inside the box – If a ball strikes a defending player (who is not a goalie) in the hand or arm WITHIN the frame of their body (ball-to-hand), the play should be stopped, and an INDIRECT free kick will be given to the other team outside the edge of the box.
      -Inside the box – If a ball strikes a defending player (who is not a goalie) in the hand or arm OUTSIDE the frame of their body, or in a deliberate attempt to block the ball (hand-to-ball), a penalty kick will be awarded.
    10. Obstructing an opponent
    11. Using your body/physicality to gain an advantage
  3. PROFANITY- Profanity is not permitted in any situation.
  4. FREE KICKS- All free kicks are to be indirect (except for penalty shots) in this league, meaning that:
  5. The ball must touch at least 2 players before it can be a goal (the kicker and one other player) before passing between the goalposts.  If the ball is kicked and touches no other player before entering the net, the goal does NOT count and it is a goal kick for the defending team.
  6. ALL indirect free-kicks are to be taken from the “SPOT OF THE FOUL‟. - This includes when the goalkeeper illegally plays the ball with their hands.
  7.  All opposing players (defence) of the team taking the free kick must be at least ten yards away from the ball, except when the ball is being kicked from a point closer than ten yards from the goal mouth - in which case the defending players may stand on their goal line.
  8. CORNER-KICK- When the ball passes over the goal line (but not a goal) and was last touched by a member of the defending team, a member of the attacking team will take a corner-kick; the ball is placed within a one yard radius from the corner closest to where the ball went out of play; a goal may be scored from such a kick; the defending team must stand at least ten yards away from the ball until in play; the kicker shall not play the ball a second time until it has been touched by another player
  9. GOAL-KICK- When the ball passes over the goal line (but not a goal) and was last touched by a member of the attacking team, a member of the defending team will take a goal-kick; the ball is placed inside the goalie box on the side of the goal opening which is closest to where the ball went out of play; it must be received by someone of the same team outside of the penalty area (or someone of the opposite team can intercept it anywhere) for it to be in play again; a goalkeeper shall not receive the ball into his/her hands from a goal-kick; the kicker shall not play the ball a second time until it has been touched by another player.
  10. If, after a save, the goalie gathers the ball (picks the ball up, or is on top of the ball), the ball must touch the floor on their own side of centre prior to continuing into the opposing side of centre. This is to dissuade the goalie from throwing/kicking the ball the entire length of the court. In the event that a goalie throws/kicks the ball into the opposing side of centre without the ball first touching the floor on the goalie's side of half, the play will be dead and the opposing team shall take possession with an indirect free kick from centre. Dropkicks and overhand throws are also not allowed.
  11. Goal kicks (a place kick from beside the goal after the ball goes out of bounds after touching an offensive player last) shall NOT be exempt from the above rule and must also touch the floor on his/her own side of centre prior to continuing into the opposing side of centre
  12. PENALTY-KICK- A penalty kick (which is a direct free kick) will be awarded anytime a foul (major or minor) is committed within the goal crease; it will be taken from the penalty-mark (twelve yards from the center of the goal mouth) with all players, except the goalkeeper and the player taking the kick, outside of the penalty-area and at least ten yards from the penalty mark; the goalkeeper must stand (without moving his/her feet) on their own goal-line, between the goal posts, until the ball is kicked; the kick must go forward and the kicker cannot touch the ball a second time until it has been touched by another player.
  13. Penalty kicks are to be taken from twelve yards into field away from center of net; occur when a defender (not goalkeeper) touches the ball with their hand or arm while inside penalty area or when game winner has to be decided if it is still a tie after over-time in a play-off game. A PENALTY KICK WILL ALSO BE AWARDED FROM A SLIDE TACKLE IN THE CREASE.

Goalkeeper Restrictions

Urban Rec Indoor soccer goalies have certain rules that are in place to encourage the flow of the game.

  • Players may pass a ball to their goalkeeper.
  • Goalies are ALLOWED to come out of their crease to play the ball.  The goalie CANNOT play the ball with their hands outside of the crease and they are not allowed to take the ball back to their crease area and then pick it up with their hands.  Goalies MAY NOT go over the half court line.
  • Once a goalkeeper has gained control of the ball at any time, they must release the ball into play within 5 seconds.
  • Releasing the ball in to play means: The goalie must either dribble the ball out of their crease, where they can be challenged for possession, or they must attempt to pass the ball to another player on the court.

In the event a goalie breaks one of these restrictions – the opposing team will get an indirect free kick from the corner.

Other Rules

  • Players are ALLOWED to brace themselves on the walls with their hands to play the ball with their feet.  Defenders may attempt to take the ball (from the behind attacking position) but MUST NOT physically make contact.  Any contact by the defender will result in a foul.  The offensive player CANNOT use this position as a delay tactic.
  • Likewise, the offensive player may not initiate contact with the defensive player (i.e. back into the defender while retaining control of the ball).  If the defender remains in position, the offensive player may not initiate contact.  In this case, the ball will be turned over to the defending team for an indirect free kick from the spot of the foul.
  • On all restarts of play, the ball must be put into action within 5 seconds. Failure to do so will result in an indirect free kick for the opposing team at the point of the original kick.


  • The player starting the play (kick or throw-in) is not allowed to touch the ball again until it has been played by another player
  • Opposing players from the team that is kicking the ball must stay five yards away from ball until it is in play.
  • Substitutes must enter the field at the same location (and after) the player comes off the field.
  • Players are responsible for calling all fouls. Team Captains are responsible for informing their team of the rules and also for enforcing them.
  • The goalkeeper is not allowed to pick up the ball if it has been passed or thrown (via throw in) to them from a person on their team. The exception to this rule is if the ball is headed back to the goalie- in this case, they may pick the ball up with their hands providing they are in the crease.
  • All free kicks are to be indirect (except penalty shots):  must touch at least one other person besides the kicker before going into net.
  • Fouls:  kicking, tripping, jumping at, charging, holding, pushing, yelling at, slide tackling, striking or spitting at an opponent, or ‘hand’ling the ball; all result in a indirect free kick to the opposing team from where infringement occurred.
  • Penalty kicks are to be taken from 5 yards out from the net.


We are expecting all of our Urban Rec participants to have a “Fun First” attitude about this unique sport opportunity.  There is an emphasis on the players knowing the rules and managing their own actions on the field.  Sportsmanship and fun are more important than winning.

number one at Urban Rec!