Cancellation Policy

Last update- March 1, 2023

Cancellation Policy

Occasionally, Urban Rec may have to either cancel or postpone leagues for a variety of reasons (e.g. facility issues, not enough teams, etc.).  In the event that a league is cancelled before the season starts by Urban Rec, teams will be refunded their league fees in full. 

If a league intended to run for 9 weeks or more and is postponed more than 90 days from the originally intended start date, then teams registered for that league would be refunded in full. If the league is able to begin play within 90 days of its original start date, then the Withdrawal Policy would apply to any teams wishing to withdraw from the league.

If a league intended to run for 8 weeks or less is postponed more than 60 days from the original start date, then teams registered for that league would be refunded in full. If the league is able to begin play within 60 days of its original start date, then the Withdrawal Policy would apply to any teams wishing to withdraw from the league.

Cancellation Due to Circumstances Beyond our Control (Policy will be in effect starting in the Spring 2023 Season)

In the event of a cancellation of scheduled games due to factors beyond our reasonable control, or a Force Majeur event, Urban Rec will notify the participants and make every reasonable effort to re-schedule those games before the end of the season. In some cases, the game day or location may be changed, multiple games on one day will need to occur, or the season may be extended to allow for a re-scheduled game to be played. In the rare case we are unable to re-schedule the cancelled game(s), teams/players will receive a 50% refund on a prorated basis for missed games. We sincerely appreciate your understanding should this ever be the case during your participation with Urban Rec.

In the event that a season is paused beyond 2 weeks, please refer to the Mid-Season Cancellation Policy