Code of Conduct Addendum
1.1 Urban Rec is a community of participants, staff and facility providers working together to create fun and social sports experiences. As part of the registration process that makes participants eligible to participate in Urban Rec environments, each participant explicitly acknowledges that; “I have read, understand, and agree to the Code of Conduct”. In so doing, all participants are bound by the terms of this Code of Conduct and are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that contributes positively to an environment in which respect, civility, diversity, and inclusiveness are valued.
1.2 All members are required to exercise good judgment in caring for the safety and wellbeing of others as well as themselves.
1.3 In the event you witness or experience threatening or inappropriate behavior by another individual, please report the situation immediately to Urban Rec staff.
1.4 Any conduct on the part of a participant that has or might reasonably be seen to have an adverse effect on the integrity or the proper functioning of the Urban Rec environment or the health, safety, rights, or property of Urban Rec or its members, participants, partners, staff and visitors, is subject to disciplinary sanction under this Code.
1.5 The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to define the general standard of conduct expected of participants and provide examples of conduct that may be subject to disciplinary action by Urban Rec. Participants are expected to be aware of, and to conduct themselves in accordance with, this Code.
1.6 Urban Rec respects the right of participants to conduct their own personal lives. This Code governs conduct only to the extent necessary to protect the integrity and proper functioning of the activities of Urban Rec, the peaceful and safe enjoyment of Urban Rec activities and to protect the property of Urban Rec, it’s partners and its members.
1.7 Urban Rec activities take place in permitted/insured venues for which our permit/license grants us exclusive access to the spaces we are using and as such these are "Private Events" even when held in otherwise public environments. As such, participants have a reasonable expectation of privacy within the confines of our league venues and no Audio or Video recording is permitted by participants without the full written consent of all parties participating. There is legal precedent for enforcing criminal trespassing and defamation in circumstances where audio/video recording is undertaken without permission. However, here at Urban Rec as a matter of common courtesy for your fellow participants, we simply ask that you abide by our position requiring full consent of all participating parties before recording or distributing audio/video content. Failure to cooperate with this element of the Urban Rec Code of Conduct will be treated no differently than failure to cooperate with any other facet of the Code and as such is subject to disciplinary sanction under this Code.
2.1 This Code applies to conduct that:
- 2.1.1 occurs at or near the location of any Urban Rec activity or facility; or
- 2.1.2 occurs elsewhere during or related to activities sponsored by Urban Rec, or where the conduct is alleged to adversely affect, disrupt, or interfere with another person's reasonable participation in Urban Rec programs or activities; or
- 2.1.3 occurs within a communications environment (digital or otherwise, including email, text message, SMS, social media, Urban Rec App, and all other communication mediums) where communications have occurred as a result of, or related to, participation in an Urban Rec environment.
2.2 Any participant found responsible for misconduct is subject to the disciplinary provisions of this Code, regardless of the action or inaction of civil authorities. Nothing in this Code precludes Urban Rec from referring an individual matter to the appropriate law enforcement agency before, during, or after disciplinary action is taken by Urban Rec under this Code. A participant may be subject to criminal prosecution and/or civil proceedings notwithstanding, and in addition to, disciplinary action taken by Urban Rec against the participant under this Code.
3.1 The following list sets out specific examples of prohibited conduct. It is intended to help participants understand the types of conduct that will be subject to discipline. This is not an exhaustive list and participants should be aware that their conduct may still be considered prohibited conduct under this Code even if it does not appear explicitly in the list below if the conduct is not in the spirit of play intended which is that of recreational fun.
3.2 Prohibited conduct that may be subject to disciplinary measures includes, but is not limited to, engaging in, attempting to engage in, or assisting others to engage in any of the actions described below:
- 3.2.1 – Misconduct against persons, which includes:
- (a) physically aggressive behavior; as Urban Rec is a non-contact environment, any physical contact that has caused or could reasonably be considered to risk causing injury.
- (b) verbally aggressive behaviour; assault, harassment, intimidation, threats, or coercion.
- (c) conduct that creates conditions that could reasonably be considered to endanger the physical or mental health, safety, or well-being of any person.
- (d) engaging in a course of vexatious conduct, harassment, or discrimination that is directed at one or more specific persons and that is based on any of the protected grounds under the BC Human Rights Code; and
- (e) engaging in unwelcome or persistent conduct that the participant knows, or ought to reasonably know, would cause another person to feel demeaned, intimidated, or harassed.
- (f) conduct that threatens or endangers the property of any person.
- 3.2.2 – Escalation, which includes:
- (a) Antagonistic language: “Trash Talk”, name calling, or use of otherwise offensive language, yelling at opposition participants in response to their conduct instead of having each team captain rationally discuss concerns during a break in play.
- (b) Retaliation: engaging in any retaliatory action towards a participant (verbal, physical or otherwise) is not acceptable and will be subject to sanction.
- (c) Excessive Celebration: an act of celebration that goes beyond a return to your side of the field of play to celebrate respectfully with your teammates, repeated loud verbal expressions or approaching the opposition in any way as part of a celebration.
- (d) 3rd Party entry to a conflict; in a conflict situation any party that is participating in the play that is not one of the 2 principal parties that engages in the conflict who either physically by approaching the conflict in any way, or engaging verbally, will be deemed a 3rd party entrant. A 3rd Party entrant must be unequivocally acting to de-escalate the conflict to avoid sanction if they engage in a conflict situation. A 3rd party entrant sanction will generally exceed that of the original parties to a conflict and may include sanctions that extend to the Team Captain and the Team as whole.
- (e) Spectator/fan entry to a conflict; in a conflict situation any party that is not participating in the field of play that engages in the conflict either physically by approaching the conflict in any way, or verbally, will be deemed a spectator entrant. A spectator entrant sanction will generally exceed that of the original parties to a conflict and will most often include sanctions that extend to the Team Captain and the Team as whole.
- 3.2.3 – Unsportsmanlike Conduct
- (a) Diving: acting as though fouled or injured when there is no contact in an effort to draw a foul call to benefit your team and disadvantage the other team.
- (b) Inadequate Calling of Own Fouls: Each individual participant is responsible for knowing the rules and playing within them. In the event a foul occurs, the expectation is that the offending player will call their own foul with honesty, integrity, and the spirit of fair play at the forefront of their minds. Should a team member not be playing within the rules and not be calling their own fouls appropriately, it is the responsibility of the Team Captain of that team to address the issue with that player and ensure that own fouls are called going forward. A continued failure to call own fouls may be subject to sanction.
- (c) Excessive Refereeing: Urban Rec is a non-contact/no referee environment where all participants are expected to know the rules, play within them and when necessary, call their own fouls. In a situation where a participant has not called their own foul and the opposition team is concerned, the only appropriate approach is for the Team Captain of the team concerned with the non-call to ask for a timeout in play and engage in a reasonable discussion with the Team Captain of the offending team with the assistance of our on-site staff to ensure the conversation remains constructive. Our staff is trained to manage a constructive Team Captain exchange. Persistently calling out opposition players during the run of play for rules infractions is not acceptable and will be subject to sanction.
- (d) Running up the Score/Overly Intense Play: Each team should be aware of the flow of the game, and approximate score. Teams who are of a significantly higher skill level than their opponents should be mindful of the score and adjust their intensity and level of play to ensure it remains fun for the opposing team to continue to play.
- 3.2.4 – Failure to Co-operate with Staff:
- (a) Refusal to Comply; Urban Rec staff and management are responsible for managing and maintaining the safety of our participants, facilities, and the public at large. As such, you agree to comply with the directions of Urban Rec staff acting in the performance of their duties. Failure to comply with staff requests, directions, or instructions will be subject to sanction.
- (b) Staff Harassment: Urban Rec staff and management are open to constructive feedback, however the use of vulgar language, intimidation, threats, coercion or, engaging in unwelcome or persistent conduct that the participant knows, or ought to reasonably know, would cause another person to feel demeaned, intimidated, or harassed in any form of communication is not acceptable.
- 3.2.5 – Disorderly Conduct:
- (a) Intoxicated Behaviour: lude, offensive or incoherent behaviour associated with alcohol or other substances.
- (b) Indecent exhibition.
- (c) Loitering: presence in a public place that in any way impedes or obstructs others who are in that place.
- (d) Disturbing The Peace: interrupting the peace and quiet of others through behaviours or actions that are inappropriate to the environment.
- 3.2.6 – Disruption:
- No participant shall, by action, threat, or otherwise, disrupt any activity organized by Urban Rec or the right of other persons to carry on their legitimate activities.
- No participant shall, by action, threat, or otherwise, disrupt any activity organized by Urban Rec or the right of other persons to carry on their legitimate activities.
- 3.2.7 – False Information:
- No Participant shall knowingly furnish false information to any person or office acting on behalf of Urban Rec.
- No Participant shall knowingly furnish false information to any person or office acting on behalf of Urban Rec.
- 3.2.8 – Refusal To Comply with Disciplinary Measures:
- No Participant found to have committed prohibited conduct under this code shall fail to comply with disciplinary measures imposed subsequently.
- No Participant found to have committed prohibited conduct under this code shall fail to comply with disciplinary measures imposed subsequently.
- 3.2.9 – Contravention of Laws:
- No Participant shall contravene any provision of the Criminal Code nor any other federal, provincial, or municipal statute or regulation.
Finally, those original tenets of the very first Urban Rec Code of Conduct remain in full effect and as such, registering as a member of Urban Rec and within the context of the activities of Urban Rec an individual agrees to take part in a spirit of fair play, honesty and with the rules and regulations of Urban Rec. As such the member is expected to:
- Have read the rules and agree to compete/participate within the rules of League and Urban Rec
- Play within the spirit of the leagues which is to have fun and be social in a sports setting
- Compete/participate in a spirit of fair play and honesty.
- Control your temper. Verbal and/or physical abuse of officials and other players, deliberately distracting or provoking an opponent are not acceptable or permitted behaviours in any sport
- Refrain from using profane, insulting, harassing or otherwise offensive language in the context of the activities. Respect an individuals’ dignity; verbal or physical behaviors that constitute harassment or abuse are unacceptable.
- Agree to cooperate with the event coordinator, teammates, and opponents as well as address fellow athletes, coaches, officials, volunteers, event organizers, spectators and others associated with Urban Rec in a courteous and respectful manner.
- Participate for your own enjoyment and benefit.
- Treat all participants in your sport as you like to be treated.
- Respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants. This includes but is not limited to their gender, ability, cultural background, or religion.
- Put the good of the game and your fellow participants safety and enjoyment above the desire to win at all costs.
- Shake hands with the opposing team at the end of the match
- Act in a manner that will bring credit to Urban Rec and yourself, both within and outside the competition arena and/or competition area.
Anyone that fails to adhere to the code of conduct is subject to penalties that include but are not limited to; suspension of any length, complete expulsion for an indefinite amount of time, exclusion from other Urban Rec leagues and/or events.
No refunds will be given for loss of membership privileges due to a breach of the Code of Conduct.